41 photos   3496 visits

member since 27 December 2010

x Smiile x

→ Smile baby ! Smile even if you don`t wanna ! Smile, you`ll feel much better . ←
→ Just ... SMILE at the camera [ :* ] . ←
→ At " 3 " you`ll smile ok ? . ←

x. 1 !
x. 2 !
x. 3 !

→ Aww [ :x ] ! You`re so cool in this photo ! ←
Smiiile [ 014 ] !
Smiiile [ 014 ] !
Smiiile [ 01 ] !
Smiiile [ 01 ] !
Smiiile [ 02 ] !
Smiiile [ 02 ] !
Smiiile [ 03 ] !
Smiiile [ 03 ] !
Smiiile [ 04 ] !
Smiiile [ 04 ] !
Smiiile [ 05 ] !
Smiiile [ 05 ] !
Smiiile [ 06 ] !
Smiiile [ 06 ] !
Smiiile [ 07 ] !
Smiiile [ 07 ] !
Smiiile [ 08 ] !
Smiiile [ 08 ] !
Smiiile [ 09 ] !
Smiiile [ 09 ] !
Smiiile [ 010 ] !
Smiiile [ 010 ] !
Smiiile [ 011 ] !
Smiiile [ 011 ] !

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